
Monday, December 17, 2012

Shell script to convert Octal to Decimal

This is a small script to convert octal number to decimal numbers.  We already shown how to do hex2dec conversion in our previous post.  In this post too we will use (()) and bc commands to accomplish our task.

Below we will see number of ways to do this conversion using .

Method1: Use (()) brace expatiation. 

read -p "Please enter OCT number: " OCT1
echo "The decimal value of $HEX1 is $((8#$HEX1))"

Save above file as

Change permissions to this script now and execute as follows

chmod +x

Executing shell script./

Method2: Using bc command

read -p "Please enter OCT number: " OCT1

echo "ibase=8; $OCT1" | bc

Save above file as

Change permissions to this script now and execute as follows

chmod +x

Executing shell script

Please share your thoughts on this.

1 comment:

  1. what is meant by # symbol in first example? what is the function ?
