Q. I am getting "command not found" error when doing dynimic variable assignemet in Shell scripts. How can I resolve this issue?
Let use replicate this issue.
echo "Value of VAR0 is $VAR0"
Save this file and execute this script.
bash abc.sh
abc.sh: line 4: VAR0=abc: command not found
Value of VAR0 is
If you see I am getting command not found error.
This is due to the line VAR$i=$VAR1, in which we are try to substitue two variable at a time, one on RHS and other on LHS. This is not possible by default in Shell scripting. First we have to substitue "i" value then substitue $VAR1 value. To resolve this issue we have to use eval command which gives us second chance to execute a command.
Modified version of above script as below.
eval VAR$i=$VAR1
echo "VAlue of VAR0 is $VAR0"
bash abc.sh
VAlue of VAR0 is abc
Hope this helps to resolve dynamic assignmet of variables.
Let use replicate this issue.
echo "Value of VAR0 is $VAR0"
Save this file and execute this script.
bash abc.sh
abc.sh: line 4: VAR0=abc: command not found
Value of VAR0 is
If you see I am getting command not found error.
This is due to the line VAR$i=$VAR1, in which we are try to substitue two variable at a time, one on RHS and other on LHS. This is not possible by default in Shell scripting. First we have to substitue "i" value then substitue $VAR1 value. To resolve this issue we have to use eval command which gives us second chance to execute a command.
Modified version of above script as below.
eval VAR$i=$VAR1
echo "VAlue of VAR0 is $VAR0"
bash abc.sh
VAlue of VAR0 is abc
Hope this helps to resolve dynamic assignmet of variables.
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